Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is a key instrument in the EU's strategy to boost growth and jobs. Since January 2022 Marine Cluster Bulgaria is part of the EEN network as a partner in Innoforward Consortium and is a local contact point of the network in Varna. 

Since 2008, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) has been one of the leading technology transfer and business support networks helping businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. With more than 3,000 experts, the Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for SMEs with European and international ambitions.

Supporting small business is a cornerstone of the EU's drive for growth and jobs. Because 99% of all EU companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), accounting for 67% of jobs, what's good for SMEs is good for Europe's economy.

EEN offers support in finding business partners across the EU in two significant ways:

- by organising matchmaking events at international trade shows

- by publishing a regularly updated database of possible business partners, featuring profiles of companies from some 60 countries

EEN is focused on promoting business competitiveness through internationalisation, technology transfer and access to financing, at no cost to its users. It is an international reference technology market, to which more than 600 organisations (technology poles and institutes, chambers of commerce and industry, universities and research institutes, regional development organisations, business associations, etc.) from 60 countries including Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Brazil, for example.

Currently, through its digital platform, users can consult online technology offers and requests and search for partners to European R&D calls cooperation and research programs.

The EEN Network operates through expert teams established in the different member countries. Those are connected allowing the exchange of information among them, in a standardised way through the Internet, and also guaranteeing the anonymity of the participating companies and the confidentiality of the information. Among the free services offered by the EEN Network teams there are:

  • International partnerships
  • Business and technology cooperation.
  • Advice for international growth
  • Search for reliable partners for participation in European R&D projects.
  • Support for business innovation
  • Knowledge and technology transfer through matching between technology offers and requests.
  • Advice, negotiation, meetings, networking and training.

Furthermore, it is technology intelligence strategic source. Allowing subscription and free consultation to different technological monitoring products such as alerts, brokerage-events, sector groups and electronic bulletins.

The Enterprise Europe Network is co-financed under 'COSME' - an EU funding programme designed to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. The services are tailored to SMEs but are also available to all other businesses, universities and research centres.

For more information:

Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria

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