Bulgarian Аssociation of Ship Brokers and Agents (BASBA)The Bulgarian Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (BASBA), Varna, was founded in 1997 and initially called Regional Association of the Ship Brokers and Agents (RASBA - Varna) by 32 companies involved in ship brokerage and ship agency services in the ports of Bulgarian Black Sea region. The Association has grown to national body and was named BASBA in 2003 when companies operating in all main Bulgarian ports became members of the Organization. In general, its aims and objects are to promote fair and equitable practices of profession of the brokers and agents profession, and to consolidate the efforts of its Members in protecting and furthering their interests as well as organize events that help to achieve that. The Association has become a reliable partner of many companies and organizations whose activity is close to that of its Members. Stable relations with the central and local governmental authorities have been set up. BASBA have a permanent representative in the Consultative committee for water transport attached to the minister of transport of Bulgaria. Regular contacts concerning daily matters with Port and Customs authorities are also running. The BASBA is a Full Member of the Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents (FONASBA) and the European Community Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (ECASBA). Recognition of our good relations and authority is the fact that we were hosts of the Annual Meeting of FONASBA in 2010 near Varna. To effectively carry out its objectives, the BASBA formed a Liner Agents section, Brokers section and Danube river section within its structure. The documentation related to the status of the Association and to the professional conduct of the brokers and agents has been successfully discussed and adopted. These basic documents are now complied with and used by the Members in their practice. Members of BASBA are liner agents of such container lines as Happag Lloyd, Norasia, MSC, CMA-CGM, Yang Ming, ZIM Intenational Israel, K-Line etc. Members of Brokers section represent some of the biggest Bulgarian industrial companies, such a chemical, extracting and energy companies for instance, and some of the most sizeable shipowners in the region. In accordance with the Articles of Association the governing bodies of BASBA are the General Meeting of its Members, and the Ececutive Committee. The daily affairs are run by its Secretariat. Presently the BASBA has 50 companies as its Members, who, together with the Association are seeking to establish close relations with similar bodies outside Bulgaria, and, of course, to be able to provide their services to all clients – present and future. Members of BASBA serve as agents about 70 % of ships calling at the ports of Varna region, and also hold considerable part of market of agent services in the Port of Bourgas and the Danube ports of Bulgaria . With regard to this the business of our members is closely related to the competitiveness of our ports and the good relations with their management. In that regard we are very interested by this forum and the information we can forward to all our members. Contacts: 35 “Voden” str., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria tel.: +359 52 603 674 / 603 675 fax.: +359 52 603 675 e-mail:info@basba.eu web: http://www.basba.eu/ |